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Just two months before the Macks bought their fancy carriage house in Manhattan, Christy and her pal Susan launched their investment initiative called Waterfall TALF. Neither seems to have any experience whatsoever in finance, beyond Susans penchant for dabbling in thoroughbred racehorses. But with an upfront investment of $15 million, they quickly received $220 million in cash from the Fed, most of which they used to purchase student loans and commercial mortgages. The loans were set up so that Christy and Susan would keep 100 percent of any gains on the deals, while the Fed and the Treasury read: the taxpayer would eat 90 percent of the losses. Given out as part of a bailout program ostensibly designed to help ordinary people by kick starting consumer lending, the deals were a classic heads I win, tails you lose investment. So how did the government come to address a financial crisis caused by the collapse of a residential mortgage bubble by giving the wives of a couple of Morgan Stanley bigwigs free money to make essentially risk free investments in student loans and commercial real estate?The answer is: by degrees. The history of the bailout era reads like one of those awful stories about what happens when a long dormant criminal compulsion goes unchecked. The Peeping Tom next door stares through a few bathroom windows, doesnt get caught, and decides to break in and steal a pair of panties. Next thing you know, hes upgraded to homemade dungeons, tri state serial rampages and throwing cheerleaders into a panel truck. It was the same with the bailouts. They started out small, with the government throwing a few hundred billion in public money to prop up genuinely insolvent firms like Bear Stearns and AIG.

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This training video provides an instructor view Canvas course overview. Viewers learn about Course Navigation and Canvas features they can use to deliver content and assess student performance. This training video provides a student view Canvas course overview. Viewers learn about Course Navigation and Canvas features used to deliver content and assess learning and performance. Does zendesk offer any type of course builder like Google's Coursera?We are looking to write some courses and host them in our Zendesk Help Center. We need our users to be able to save their progress as they work through the material. Is this something you or your partners provide?We don't have a course builder, but I do know that some customers have used some Guide theme customization to create various forms of guided learning paths. You can, of course, embed video in knowledge base articles, and provide learning that way as well. What kind of course building functionality are you seeking specifically?Thanks Nicole. I have been thinking about the possibility of creating a course using the knowledge base articles in zendesk. It certainly would be the most convent path for us since it would put everything in a single place.

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Ocean quahogs have to be at least 20 years of age to be of commercially harvestable size. They usually burrow themselves in deep waters, hiding beneath the sand, making it difficult for predators to prey on them. The smaller ocean clams are popularly known as mahogany clams. Ocean quahogs are around 2. 8 to 4. 3 inches in size. These are considered sport clams in Oregon. Owing to the tough skin, it is often ignored by diggers. Though they are edible, this clam is less hunted due to the lesser meat content. This clam prefers salinity, and is mostly used for making chowders. However, theyre prone to paralytic shellfish poisoning PSP.

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